Wil and Taylor’s love just radiates joy. From start to finish, their day was very much the same. We heard laughter the minute we walked through the doors at Brick & Ivey, and the laughter continued throughout the entire celebration. With smiles so big, and hearts so full, it really is difficult to take a bad photo.
As the day began and the bride and groom got ready, presents were sent back and forth, hair was curled and tucked into place, neckties were straightened, shirts ironed. The whole crew was bustling with excitement and activity. But then everything hushed as Taylor tapped her Father on the shoulder for a first look. And then time stood still as Wil turned around to see his bride, his jaw quite literally dropping to the floor. And then the joyful celebration continued. There were vows, rings, a “you may kiss the bride”, and ear to ear smiles as the newlyweds walked down the aisle. Wil and Taylor stopped at every table, greeted every guest, and even took photos with them all. And as quickly as it began, the newlyweds were running through a tunnel of friends into their bright future together.
Without further ado, enjoy this peek into Wil and Taylor’s wedding day.